Holly Elmore
The Turing Test
The Turing Test #3: Adam Marblestone

The Turing Test #3: Adam Marblestone

Adam Marblestone is Chief Strategy Officer of Kernel, and a part-time research scientist with the Synthetic Neurobiology group at MIT. His PhD was in Biophysics at Harvard, under George Church. There he co-authored experimental and theoretical papers on molecular recording devices and road-mapped approaches for whole-brain mapping.

He also participated in the development of new genome engineering and nanotechnology methods. With Ed Boyden at MIT, he helped to initiate the field of optical connectomics, the mapping of connections between neurons, using the combination of expansion microscopy, in-situ sequencing, and machine learning., which you’ll about in today’s episode. He is ALSO the co-founder of BioBright, a company aiming to create a “smart lab” to improve biological experimentation and a scientific advisor to the Open Philanthropy Project.


Holly Elmore
The Turing Test
Harvard student Effective Altruism members Holly Elmore and Ales Flidr interviews thinkers, movers, and shakers to "test" whether they can see important issues from different perspectives. Season 1 guests include Larry Summers, Josh Greene, Irene Pepperberg, and more!